Scientific Name: Thymus vulgaris
Climate: Warm, temperate and cold
Plant Description: It’s a low evergreen bush, it grows from 10 to 40cm tall.
It has woody stems with little straight leaves that go from dark to pale green, its little flowers can be white, pink or violet.
When rubbed, it gives off an intense fragrance from a substance called thymol.
Thyme blooms in Spring, as early as march, but mostly from April to June.
Thyme comes from Egypt.
Cultivation: Thyme seeds take 2 to 4 weeks to germinate in spring, at the beginning of April.
It is also possible to reproduce it with cuttings and splitting the plants on summer. In that case it’s important to choose the ones of best appearance, the splitting happens in Spring or Autumn, the cuttings must be buried at least 10 cm deep, the rooting will take two months. This method provides a faster production, but lesser plants though.
It makes a good companion plant because it wards off pests in the garden.
Thyme is very resilient and drought tolerant, avoid humid and clay soil that could cause the plant fungal infections or its roots could rot.
Conditions: Thyme can be planted in direct sun or medium shade. Irrigation should be moderated. It adapts very good to dry soil on calcareous and rocky environments. Humid, waterlogged and acid soils should be avoided.
The best time to harvest thyme is at the end of spring, when the plant is just blooming and with full scent, early morning is the best.
Florets must be kept in a dry and ventilated area protected from direct sun light.
Uses: Use its leaves and flowers, fresh or dry.
It’s good seasoning for cooking meals.
It is known uses are to stimulate appetite, relieve rheumatic illnesses.
As an infusion, it helps relieve the discomfort of a cold, cough or other respiratory tract related illnesses, it is also good for digestion and helps fight intestinal infections.
Prepared as ointment, it can be used on scrapes and cuts.
As a mouthwash for mouth ulcer and throat infections.
En español: Tomillo